Mutual Funds Past Performance Check
Use our tool below to calculate how much an investment in one of our Income Funds could have been worth today if you had made the investment in the past and held on to it.
The Net Asset Value (NAV) of the TT$ Income Fund and US$ Income Fund would have fluctuated over time and caused the value of your investment to change. Our Past Performance Check tool shows the present-day value of your investment (excluding quarterly distributions).
N.B. The results are based on actual past performance of our mutual funds. That performance is likely to change over time and past performance does not predict or guarantee future results.
Learn more about our mutual funds here. To start investing, please complete this form.
Disclaimer: Investment in the TT$ Income Fund and US$ Income Fund involves a moderate level of risk and performance is likely to change over time. Past performance should not be treated as an indicator of future performance. Prior to investing, the prospectuses and the Quick Reference Guides should be carefully read for further details including the investment goals, risks, charges and expenses. The prospectuses and Quick Reference Guides can be found here.
The Trinidad and Tobago Securities and Exchange Commission has not in any way evaluated the merits of these Funds.